Health & Nutrition Coach

Personalized lifestyle coaching

Hi! I am Ashley, a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Certified Nutrition Coach. I specialize in helping women go from feeling discouraged and hopeless to feeling happy and confident with their body, their eating habits, and overall health. I have a judgment-free, keep-it-simple approach to nutrition, health, and life.

About Me

My mission is to teach and empower you to live your best life through proper diet, fitness, and emotional health.

My passion for health and wellness comes from my personal journey with being unhappy in my own body and wanting to make a change. When I began to study nutrition and fitness, I discovered how much power we truly have over our own health. After making nutritional changes in my own life and noticing the massive impact it had physically and mentally, I knew I wanted to help as many other people experience their own transformations.

The fitness and nutrition industry is oversaturated with so much conflicting information and advice, it can be extremely confusing and overwhelming to navigate on your own. It is my goal to bring clarity and ease to my client’s health and weight-loss journeys. Life shouldn’t be lived in a constant cycle of dieting or in an unhealthy relationship with food and body. Working together, you will step into your own power and learn which foods are best for your body as well as understand your relationship with food.

Ashley Muse

Your Wellness Coach

today is a blessing

Ashley Muse Wellness


Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

NASM Certified Nutrition Coach

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Mind Body Eating Coach


I lead my clients to success through educating and empowering them to live a healthier lifestyle through nutrition, fitness, and mindset.